Campaign + Project Management

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End to End Campaign Management

Igotchu’s bread and butter is managing campaigns and projects end to end. This means from concept to planning and execution to tracking, we have you covered. Whether it be a member acquisition campaign, event marketing campaign, sales promotion or any other project that see’s your business reach its goal, think of us as a part of your business, although we prefer the term, pals.

We can be involved from the start of your project or come to the rescue when you need a bit of oomph. Either way, here (in brief) is our recipe for success.

1/ User Interface (UI):

  • UI refers to the visual elements and the overall look and feel of a product. It encompasses the design of screens, pages, buttons, icons, and any other visual elements users interact with.
  • UI designers are responsible for creating a visually appealing and consistent design that aligns with the brand or product's identity.
  • Key aspects of UI design include layout, color schemes, typography, icons, and graphical elements.

2/ User Experience (UX):

  • UX focuses on the overall experience of the user when interacting with a product. It encompasses how users feel when they use the product and how easy or challenging it is to accomplish their goals.
  • UX designers work to understand the user's needs, behaviors, and pain points, and they design the product maximizes user satisfaction.
  • Key aspects of UX design include research, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, and user journey mapping.

Our Approach

Initial Chinwag + Brief Deliverable

  • After an initial chat and we determine your goals and more about who you are and how you work, a clear brief is created and tweaked as deemed necessary.

The Creative Stuff

  • We can help with the creative stuff to ensure you message cuts through and we are set to work toward your ultimate end goal. During this step, we create the look of your campaign.

Media + Production

  • We can help make the right media choices to ensure your message gets in front of the right people. We will also ensure the assets produced are done at a high level and deliver the right message.

The Fun Part – Implementation


This is where the strategic sorcery happens and where you get to sit back and watch it all come to fruition. 

We will help you make the most out of unpaid media opportunities and watch over your campaign or project like little marketing angels, tweaking where needed to maximise your outcome.

Clients are always satisfied with us

Deep Understanding of Design

It's essential to have a designer who grasps your vision & takes the time to know your brand. Veronica does all this and translates them into compelling and cohesive brand identity. She has an exceptional ability to immerse herself into our brand ethos, understand our objective and bring it all to life with her creativity in designs that resonate with our audience and align with our values.

SVI of Research
Delivers Every Time

Veronica always delivers! She takes the time to understand the brand and vision and delivers stunning visuals that exceed expectations. The attention to detail, creativity and professionalism she brings truly sets her apart.

Social Media Boost!

We tried multiple marketing agencies prior to hiring Igotchu Agency. After we hired them, they have skyrocketed our social media presence and are a joy to work with! We have never had a company take the time to sit down and get to know us and our goals like they have. Thank you Igotchu, We appreciate you and everything you have done!

Last Chapter
Creating Long Lasting Brands

Veronica's strength is her ability to interpret needs, create and execute events while bringing our team along for the ride. She has a great eye for detail when it comes to design helping to build some long lasting brands.
